A long history of listening to and playing music, and an interest in the artists and songwriters. (BTW, Graham’s the one on the left!)
Shows: For the Sake of the Song and Country Comfort
Shows: For the Sake of the Song and Country Comfort

Greg C.

Greg Tripp
KCR’s man of mystery – heard, but never seen. He has deep respect for the redback spiders living in the KCR storage shed, but an irrational fear of AC/DC.
Show: Let’s Go Trippin’


I am a mature-aged musician who fell into music and radio presenting quite by accident
Show: Beats and Pieces
Show: Beats and Pieces


With a lifelong passion for music, Justin also brings his automotive knowledge to KCR for ‘Around the Bend’ with Terry
Shows: Sunrise; Around The Bend and Back Catalogue
Shows: Sunrise; Around The Bend and Back Catalogue


Ken Hill
Starting out on Perth AM radio in 1963, Ken’s passion for broadcasting is limitless. KCR is delighted to have him back on board.
Show: Anything Goes