Community Groups – Would You Like Your Activities or Next Event Promoted on KCR?

To be eligible to have a CSA broadcast by KCR the organisation must be a not-for-profit, incorporated body or a registered charity. CSAs are broadcast throughout the day, either read by our presenters or as a short, recorded message. Ideally, they should be no longer than 45 seconds. There are two types of CSA: 
Community Service Announcements (CSAs) are short messages that promote a charitable cause, activity or event that can be considered of service to the community.   

  • Ongoing messages where, e.g. an organisation wants to promote their services generally or to attract new members
  • Short term messages to promote a particular event

Please contact us by e-mail to using the Subject Heading – CSAs – for further information and to discuss your requirements.

Please allow 21 Days for your CSA to be prepared if it is for a specific event. KCR reserves the right to edit CSAs to conform with our Codes of Practice 

A recent CSA broadcast by KCR was highly successful:

Hi guys,  

Thanks so much for helping to promote our open garden, a number of visitors mentioned that they had heard about it on the radio.  We didn’t get as many people as we had hoped, due to the weather, but those people who came were so enthusiastic it made the weekend a lot of fun!  We made over $4000 for Cystic Fibrosis and King Edward Memorial Hospital research charities  so definitely worthwhile. 

Best wishes, 

Linda and Brian 🙂